shrink back
英 [ʃrɪŋk bæk]
美 [ʃrɪŋk bæk]
网络 退缩; 缩回; 撤退了; 畏缩
- pull away from a source of disgust or fear
- These are reducing returns earned by banks as well as forcing them to shrink their balance-sheets and cut back on trading.
这些弊端减少了银行收益,迫使银行缩减资产负债表并减少贸易量。 - The pre-strained SMA wire will shrink back to its original length when it is heated to the transformation temperature, consequently will cause the local deformation, thus a controllable trigger mechanism is formed.
温度升到相变温度后,有预变形的形状记忆合金丝将回复到原先的长度,造成结构的局部变形或者引起局部损伤,从而形成可控薄弱环节。 - Heb. 10:39 But we are not of those who shrink back to ruin but of them who have faith to the gaining of the soul.
来十39我们却不是退缩以致遭毁坏的人,乃是有信心以致得著魂的人。 - Conclusion Reentry of craftsmanship training in community could improve the compliance of taking medicine and behavior of shrink back, reduce depressed mood, and improve the social function.
结论重返社区技能训练能提高患者服药依从性,改善精神分裂症退缩行为,降低激惹、抑郁情绪,提高社会功能。 - I likes challenges, and I will never shrink back before difficulties.
我喜欢挑战,我在困难面前决不退缩。 - The black holes will shrink back to quantum energy, to absolute vacancy.
进而黑洞缩小,退回到量子级能量单位,退回到绝对无的境地。 - He will never shrink back before difficulties.
在困难面前他从来不会却步不前。 - In practice the retransmission queue does periodically shrink all the way back to zero packets.
实际上,重传队列确实是周期性地一直减少到0个包。 - It doesn's interest me who you know or how you came be here, I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.
你认识谁或者你怎么来到这里我不想知道,我只想知道你是否愿意和我一起站在大火中间被焚烧决不退缩。 - Choice of arranging all his life of emotion which he hated as well as feared to father& He pursued to set up a happy family in his whole life, but because of father's obstruction caused him to always shrink back at the crucial moment;